Do Carmo 黎曼几何笔记 第一章
This is for documenting definitions and collaries from Do Carmo’s Riemannian geometry, in order to a quick look-up.
Differentiable Manifolds, tangent space
Definition [Differentiable Manifold] A differentiable manifold of dimension in a set and a family of injective mappings of open sets of into such that:
- .
- for any pair with , the sets and are open sets in and the mappings are differentiable.
- The family is maximal relative to the condition 1 and 2.
Comments: Condition 3 is purely included for technical reasons.
Definition [Differentiable Structure] A family satisfying above condition 1 and 2 is called a differentiable structure.
Definition [Differential Mapping] Let and be differential manifolds. A mapping is differentiable at if given a parametrization at , there exists a parametrization at such that and the mapping
is differentiable at .
Comment: is differentiable on an open set of if it is differentiable at all of the points of this open set.
Definition [Tagent Vector] Let be a differentiable manifold. A differentiable function is called a (differentiable) curve in . Suppose that , and let be the set of functions on that are differentiable at . The tangent vector to the curve at is a function given by
If has parametrization .
- This means that a tangent vector at is the tangent vector of some curve that passes .
- [Tangent Space] The set of all tangent vectors to at will be indicated by .
- The choice of parametrization determines an associated basis .
Definition [Differential] Let and be differentiable manifolds and let be a differentiable mapping. For every and for each , choose a differentiable curve with , . Take . The mapping given by is called the differential of at , which is a linear mapping that does not depend on the choice of .
Definition [Diffeomorphism] Let and be differentiable manifolds. A mapping is a diffeomorphism if it is differentiable, bijective and its inverse is differentiable. is said to be a local diffeomorphism at if there exist neigborhoods of and of such that is a diffeomorphism.
- If is a diffeomorphism, then is an isomorphism for all .
Theorem [Local Diffeomorphism] Let be a differentiable mapping and let be such that is an isomorphism. Then is a local diffeomorphism at .
Immersions and Embeddings
In short, immersion + homeomorphism = embedding. When the inclusion map is an embedding, there exists submanifolds.
Definition [Immersion,Embedding] Let and be differentiable manifolds. A differentiable mapping is said to be an immersion if is injective for all . If, in addition, is a homeomorphism onto , where has the subspace topology induced from , we say that is an embedding. If and the inclusion is an embedding, we say that is a submanifold of .
Proposition [Relation between immersion and embedding] Let , , be an immersion of the differentiable manifold into the differentiable manifold . For every point , there exists a neighborhood of such that the restriction is an embedding.
Comments: This shows that every immersion is locally (in a certain sense) an embedding.
Other examples of manifolds
Definitioin [Regular Surface in ] A subset is a regular surface of dimension if for every there exists a neighborhood of in and a mapping of an open set onto such that:
- is a differentiable homeomorphism.
- is injective for all .
Definition [Regular and Critical Value] Let be a differentiable mapping of an open set of . A point is defined to be a critical point of if the differential is not surjective. The image of a critical point is called a critical value of . A point that is not a critical value is said to be a regular value of . Note that any point is trivially a regular value of and that is there exists a regular value of in , then .
Comments: The inverse image of a regular value of , is a regular surface of dimension .
Definition [Orientation] Let be a diffeerentiable manifold. We say that is orientable if admits a differentiable structure such that:
(i) for every pair , with , the differential of the change of coordinates has positive determinant.
comment: let and be differential manifolds and let be a diffeomorphism, then is orientable if and only if is orientable.
Definition [Action of a Group] A group acts on a differentiable manifold if there exists a mapping such that:
- For each , the mapping given by is a diffeomorphism, and identity.
- If , .
Definition [Properly Discontinuous] For , we say the action is properly discontinuous is every has a neighborhood such that for all .
Definition [Projection] When acts on , the action determines an equivalence relation on , in which if and only if for some . Denote the quotient space of by this equivalence relation by , given by
will be called the projection of onto .
Comments: when is properly discontinuous, then has a differentiable structure with respect to which the projection is a local diffeomorphism. (The discountinuous guerantees the injectivity.)
Vector Fields; brackets.
Definition [Vector Field] A vector field on a differentiable manifold is a correspondence that associates to each point a tangent vector . In terms of mappings, is a mpping of into the tangent bundle . The field is differentiable if the mapping is differentiable.
Consider a parametrization on at . The vector field can be written as
where each is a differentiable function on and is the basis associated to .
- It is covenient to think of a vector field as a mapping from the set of differentiable functions on to the set of functions on , defined in the following way:
where denotes the expression of in the parameterization .
- is differentiable if and only if .
- If is a diffeomorphism, , and is a differentiable function in a neighborhood of , we have
Definition [Bracket] Let and be differentiable vector fields on a differentiable manifold . Then there exists a unique vector field such that, for all , . This vector field is called the bracket of and and is denoted by .
Proposition [Properties of the bracket] Let be real numbers and bedifferentiable functions. The bracket of vector fields satisfies the following properties:
- .(Anticommuntativity)
- .(Linearity)
- .(Jacobi identity)
- . (Leibniz rule)
Comments: Suppliment difinition. If is a scalar function on and is a vector field, then is a vector field such that at .
Relation with Differential Equations
Let be a vector field on a differentiable manifold and let . Then there exist a neighborhood of , an interval , , and a differentiable mapping such that the curve , , is the unique curve which satisfies and . This guarantees the uniqueness of the trajectory and that the mapping obtained depends on and the initial conditon .
Definition [Trajectory, Local FLow] A curve which satisfies the conditions and is called a trajectory of the vector field that passes through for . It is common to use the notation and call the local flow of .
Proposition Let be differential vector fields on a fifferentiable manifold , let and let be the local flow of in a nrighboorhood of . Then
Comments: The bracket can slao be interpretated as a derivation of along the “trajectories” of .
Topology of Manifolds
Definition [Locally Finite] Let be a differtiable manifold. A family of open sets is said to be locally finite if for every there exists a neighborhood of such that intersects only finitely many sets .
Definition [Support] The support of a function on a differentiable manifold is the closure of the set of points such that .
Definition [Differentiable Partition of Unity] We say that a family of differentiable functions is a differentiable partition of unity if:
- For all and the support of is contained in a coordinate neighborhood of a differentiable structure of .
- The family is locally finite.
- for all . (This makes sense since for eahc , only finitely many are non-zero.)
Comments: It is customary to say that the partition of unity is subordinate to the covering .
Theorem [Existence of Partition of Unity] A differentiable manifold has a differentiable partition of unity if and only if every connected component of is Hausdorff and has a countable basis.
Theorem [Whitney Embedding Theorem] Any differentiable manifold of dimension can be immersed in and embedded in (can be refined to and , respectively).