This is for documenting definitions and collaries from Do Carmo’s Riemannian geometry, in order to a quick look-up.

Differentiable Manifolds, tangent space

Definition [Differentiable Manifold] A differentiable manifold of dimension nn in a set MM and a family of injective mappings xα:UαRnMx_\alpha:U_\alpha\subset \mathbf{R}^n \rightarrow M of open sets UαU_\alpha of R\mathbf{R} into MM such that:

  1. αxα(Uα)=M\cup_\alpha x_\alpha(U_\alpha) = M.
  2. for any pair α,β\alpha,\beta with xα(Uα)xβ(Uβ)=Wx_\alpha(U_\alpha)\cap x_\beta(U_\beta) = W \neq \varnothing, the sets xα1(W)x_\alpha^{-1}(W) and xβ1(W)x_\beta^{-1}(W) are open sets in Rn\mathbf{R}^n and the mappings xβ1xαx^{-1}_\beta\circ x_\alpha are differentiable.
  3. The family {(Uα,xα)}\left\{(U_\alpha, x_\alpha)\right\} is maximal relative to the condition 1 and 2.

Comments: Condition 3 is purely included for technical reasons.

Definition [Differentiable Structure] A family {(Uα,xα)}\{(U_\alpha, x_\alpha)\} satisfying above condition 1 and 2 is called a differentiable structure.

Definition [Differential Mapping] Let M1nM^n_1 and M2mM^m_2 be differential manifolds. A mapping φ:M1M2\varphi: M_1 \rightarrow M_2 is differentiable at pM1p\in M_1 if given a parametrization y:VRmM2y: V \subset \mathbf{R}^m\rightarrow M_2 at φ(p)\varphi(p), there exists a parametrization x:URnM1x:U\subset\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow M_1 at pp such that φ(x(U))y(V)\varphi(x(U))\subset y(V) and the mapping

y1φx:URnRmy^{-1}\circ \varphi \circ x :U\subset R^n \rightarrow \mathbf{R}^m

is differentiable at x1(p)x^{-1}(p).

Comment: φ\varphi is differentiable on an open set of M1M_1 if it is differentiable at all of the points of this open set.

Definition [Tagent Vector] Let MM be a differentiable manifold. A differentiable function α:(ε,ε)M\alpha:(-\varepsilon,\varepsilon)\rightarrow M is called a (differentiable) curve in MM. Suppose that α(0)=pM\alpha(0) = p \in M, and let D\mathcal{D} be the set of functions on MM that are differentiable at pp. The tangent vector to the curve α\alpha at t=0t=0 is a function α(0):DR\alpha'(0):\mathcal{D}\rightarrow \mathbf{R} given by

α(0)f=d(fα)dtt=0=(ixi(0)xi)f,fD.\alpha'(0)f = \left.\frac{d(f\circ\alpha)}{dt}\right|_{t=0}=(\sum_ix'_i(0)\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i})f, \quad f\in\mathcal{D}.

If α(t)\alpha(t) has parametrization α(t)=(x1(t),,xn(t))\alpha(t)=(x_1(t),\cdots,x_n(t)).


  1. This means that a tangent vector at pp is the tangent vector of some curve that passes pp.
  2. [Tangent Space] The set of all tangent vectors to MM at pp will be indicated by TpMT_pM.
  3. The choice of parametrization x:UMx:U\rightarrow M determines an associated basis {(x1)0,,(xn)0}\left\{\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_1}\right)_0, \cdots,\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_n}\right)_0 \right\}.

Definition [Differential] Let M1nM^n_1 and M2mM^m_2 be differentiable manifolds and let φ:M1M2\varphi:M_1\rightarrow M_2 be a differentiable mapping. For every pM1p\in M_1 and for each vTpM1v\in T_pM_1, choose a differentiable curve α:(ε,ε)M1\alpha: (-\varepsilon, \varepsilon)\rightarrow M_1 with α(0)=p\alpha(0) = p, α(0)=v\alpha'(0)=v. Take β=φα\beta = \varphi \circ \alpha. The mapping dφp:TpM1Tφ(p)M2d\varphi_p:T_pM_1\rightarrow T_{\varphi(p)M_2} given by dφp(v)=β(0)d\varphi_p(v) = \beta'(0) is called the differential of φ\varphi at pp, which is a linear mapping that does not depend on the choice of α\alpha.

Definition [Diffeomorphism] Let M1M_1 and M2M_2 be differentiable manifolds. A mapping φ:M1M2\varphi:M_1\rightarrow M_2 is a diffeomorphism if it is differentiable, bijective and its inverse φ1\varphi^{-1} is differentiable. φ\varphi is said to be a local diffeomorphism at pMp\in M if there exist neigborhoods UU of pp and VV of φ(p)\varphi(p) such that φ:UV\varphi:U \rightarrow V is a diffeomorphism.


  1. If φ:M1M2\varphi:M_1\rightarrow M_2 is a diffeomorphism, then dφp:TpM1Tφ(p)M2d\varphi_p:T_pM_1\rightarrow T_{\varphi(p)}M_2 is an isomorphism for all pM1p\in M_1.

Theorem [Local Diffeomorphism] Let φ:M1nM2m\varphi: M_1^n\rightarrow M^m_2 be a differentiable mapping and let pM1p\in M_1 be such that dφp:TpM1Tφ(p)M2d\varphi_p :T_pM_1\rightarrow T_{\varphi(p)}M_2 is an isomorphism. Then φ\varphi is a local diffeomorphism at pp.

Immersions and Embeddings

In short, immersion + homeomorphism = embedding. When the inclusion map is an embedding, there exists submanifolds.

Definition [Immersion,Embedding] Let MmM^m and NnN^n be differentiable manifolds. A differentiable mapping φ:MN\varphi: M\rightarrow N is said to be an immersion if dφp:TmMTφ(p)Nd\varphi_p:T_mM\rightarrow T_{\varphi(p)}N is injective for all pMp\in M. If, in addition, φ\varphi is a homeomorphism onto φ(M)(N)\varphi(M)\subset (N), where φ(M)\varphi(M) has the subspace topology induced from NN, we say that φ\varphi is an embedding. If MNM\subset N and the inclusion i:MNi:M \subset Nis an embedding, we say that MM is a submanifold of NN.

Proposition [Relation between immersion and embedding] Let φ:M1nM2m\varphi:M_1^n\rightarrow M_2^m, nmn\leqslant m, be an immersion of the differentiable manifold M1M_1 into the differentiable manifold M2M_2. For every point pM1p\in M_1, there exists a neighborhood VM1V\subset M_1 of pp such that the restriction φVM2\varphi|V\rightarrow M_2 is an embedding.

Comments: This shows that every immersion is locally (in a certain sense) an embedding.

Other examples of manifolds

Definitioin [Regular Surface in Rn\mathbf{R}^n] A subset MkRnM^k\subset \mathbf{R}^n is a regular surface of dimension kk if for every pMp\in M there exists a neighborhood VV of pp in Rn\mathbf{R}^n and a mapping x:URkMVx:U\subset\mathbf{R}^k \rightarrow M\cap Vof an open set URkU\subset \mathbf{R}^k onto MVM\cap V such that:

  1. xx is a differentiable homeomorphism.
  2. (dx)q:RkRn(dx)_q:\mathbf{R}^k\rightarrow \mathbf{R}^n is injective for all qUq\in U.

Definition [Regular and Critical Value] Let F:URnRmF: U\subset \mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbf{R}^m be a differentiable mapping of an open set UU of Rn\mathbf{R}^n. A point pUp\in U is defined to be a critical point of FF if the differential dFp:RnRmdF_p:\mathbf{R}^n \rightarrow\mathbf{R}^m is not surjective. The image F(p)F(p) of a critical point PP is called a critical value of FF. A point aRma\in \mathbf{R}^m that is not a critical value is said to be a regular value of FF. Note that any point aF(U)a\in F(U) is trivially a regular value of FF and that is there exists a regular value of FF in Rm\mathbf{R^m}, then nmn\geqslant m.

Comments: The inverse image F1(a)RnF^{-1}(a) \subset \mathbf{R}^n of a regular value aF(U)a \in F(U) of FF, is a regular surface of dimension nm=kn-m=k.

Definition [Orientation] Let MM be a diffeerentiable manifold. We say that MM is orientable if MM admits a differentiable structure {(Uα,xα)}\{(U_\alpha, x_\alpha)\} such that:
(i) for every pair α,β\alpha,\beta, with xα(Uα)xβ(Uβ)=Wx_\alpha(U_\alpha)\cap x_\beta(U_\beta) = W \neq \varnothing, the differential of the change of coordinates xβ1xαx^{-1}_\beta\circ x_\alpha has positive determinant.

comment: let M1M_1 and M2M_2 be differential manifolds and let φ:M1M2\varphi:M_1 \rightarrow M_2 be a diffeomorphism, then M1M_1 is orientable if and only if M2M_2 is orientable.

Definition [Action of a Group] A group GG acts on a differentiable manifold MM if there exists a mapping φ:G×MM\varphi:G\times M\rightarrow M such that:

  1. For each gGg\in G, the mapping φg:MM\varphi_g:M\rightarrow M given by φg(p)=φ(g,p),pM\varphi_g(p) = \varphi(g,p), p\in M is a diffeomorphism, and φe=\varphi_e= identity.
  2. If g1,g2Gg_1,g_2\in G, φg1,g2=φg1φg2\varphi_{g_1,g_2} = \varphi_{g_1}\circ\varphi_{g_2}.

Definition [Properly Discontinuous] For gGg\in G, we say the action is properly discontinuous is every pMp\in M has a neighborhood UMU\subset M such that Ug(U)=U\cap g(U) = \varnothing for all geg\neq e.

Definition [Projection] When GG acts on MM, the action determines an equivalence relation \sim on MM, in which p1p2p_1\sim p_2 if and only if p2=gp1p_2 = gp_1 for some gGg\in G. Denote the quotient space of MM by this equivalence relation by M/GM/G, given by

π(p)=equiv. class of p=Gp\pi(p)=\text{equiv. class of }p=Gp

will be called the projection of MM onto M/GM/G.

Comments: when GG is properly discontinuous, then M/GM/G has a differentiable structure with respect to which the projection π:MM/G\pi :M\rightarrow M/G is a local diffeomorphism. (The discountinuous guerantees the injectivity.)

Vector Fields; brackets.

Definition [Vector Field] A vector field XX on a differentiable manifold MM is a correspondence that associates to each point pMp\in M a tangent vector XpTpMX_p\in T_pM. In terms of mappings, XX is a mpping of MM into the tangent bundle TMTM. The field is differentiable if the mapping X:MTMX: M\rightarrow TM is differentiable.

Consider a parametrization on x:URnMx:U\in \mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow M at pMp\in M. The vector field XX can be written as

X=iai(p)xi.X = \sum_ia_i(p)\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}.

where each aia_i is a differentiable function on UU and {xi}\left\{\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}\right\} is the basis associated to xx.


  1. It is covenient to think of a vector field as a mapping X:MDFX: M\rightarrow \mathcal{D} \rightarrow \mathcal{F} from the set D\mathcal{D} of differentiable functions on MM to the set F\mathcal{F} of functions on MM, defined in the following way:

(Xf)(p)=iai(p)fxi(p),fD,pM.(Xf)(p) = \sum_ia_i(p)\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}(p), \quad f\in \mathcal{D}, p\in M.

where ff denotes the expression of ff in the parameterization xx.

  1. XX is differentiable if and only if X:DDX:\mathcal{D}\rightarrow \mathcal{D}.
  2. If φ:MM\varphi:M\rightarrow M is a diffeomorphism, vTpMv\in T_pM, and ff is a differentiable function in a neighborhood of φ(p)\varphi(p), we have

(dφp(v)f)φ(p)=v(fφ)(p).(d\varphi_p(v)f)\varphi(p) = v(f\circ \varphi)(p).

Definition [Bracket] Let XX and YY be differentiable vector fields on a differentiable manifold MM. Then there exists a unique vector field ZZ such that, for all fDf\in\mathcal{D}, Zf=(XYYX)fZf = (XY-YX)f. This vector field is called the bracket of XX and YY and is denoted by [X,Y][X,Y].

Proposition [Properties of the bracket] Let a,ba,b be real numbers and f,gf,g bedifferentiable functions. The bracket of vector fields satisfies the following properties:

  1. [X,Y]=[Y,X][X,Y] = -[Y,X].(Anticommuntativity)
  2. [aX+bY,Z]=a[X,Z]+b[Y,Z][aX+bY,Z] = a[X,Z]+b[Y,Z].(Linearity)
  3. [[X,Y],Z]+[[Y,Z],X]+[[Z,X],Y]=0[[X,Y],Z]+[[Y,Z],X]+[[Z,X],Y]=0.(Jacobi identity)
  4. [fX,gY]=fg[X,Y]+fX(g)YgY(f)X[fX,gY] = fg[X,Y]+fX(g)Y-gY(f)X. (Leibniz rule)

Comments: Suppliment difinition. If ff is a scalar function on MM and YY is a vector field, then fYfY is a vector field such that fY(x)=f(x)YxfY(x)=f(x)Y_x at xMx\in M.

Relation with Differential Equations

Let XX be a vector field on a differentiable manifold MM and let pMp\in M. Then there exist a neighborhood UMU\in M of pp, an interval (δ,δ)(-\delta,\delta), δ>0\delta>0, and a differentiable mapping α:(δ,δ)×UM\alpha:(-\delta,\delta)\times U\rightarrow M such that the curve tφ(t,q)t\rightarrow \varphi(t,q), t(δ,δ)t\in (-\delta,\delta), qUq\in U is the unique curve which satisfies φt=X(φ(t,q))\frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial t} = X(\varphi(t,q)) and φ(0,q)=q\varphi(0,q) = q. This guarantees the uniqueness of the trajectory and that the mapping obtained depends on tt and the initial conditon qq.

Definition [Trajectory, Local FLow] A curve α:(δ,δ)M\alpha:(-\delta,\delta)\rightarrow M which satisfies the conditions α(t)=X(α(t))\alpha'(t)=X(\alpha(t)) and α(0)=q\alpha(0)=q is called a trajectory of the vector field XX that passes through qq for t=0t=0. It is common to use the notation φt(q)=φ(t,q)\varphi_t(q)=\varphi(t,q) and call φt:UM\varphi_t:U\rightarrow M the local flow of XX.

Proposition Let X,YX,Y be differential vector fields on a fifferentiable manifold MM, let pMp\in M and let φt\varphi_t be the local flow of XX in a nrighboorhood UU of pp. Then

[X,Y](p)=limt01t[YdφtY](φt(p)).[X,Y](p) = \lim_{t\rightarrow 0}\frac{1}{t}[Y-d\varphi_tY](\varphi_t(p)).

Comments: The bracket [X,Y][X,Y] can slao be interpretated as a derivation of YY along the “trajectories” of XX.

Topology of Manifolds

Definition [Locally Finite] Let MM be a differtiable manifold. A family of open sets {Uα}\{U_\alpha\} is said to be locally finite if for every pMp\in M there exists a neighborhood VV of pp such that VV intersects only finitely many sets UαU_\alpha.

Definition [Support] The support of a function ff on a differentiable manifold MM is the closure of the set of points pMp\in M such that f(p)0f(p)\neq 0.

Definition [Differentiable Partition of Unity] We say that a family {fα}\{f_\alpha\} of differentiable functions fα:MRf_\alpha:M\rightarrow \mathbf{R} is a differentiable partition of unity if:

  1. For all α,fα0\alpha, f_\alpha\geqslant 0 and the support of fαf_\alpha is contained in a coordinate neighborhood Vα=xα(Uα)V_\alpha = x_\alpha(U_\alpha) of a differentiable structure {(Uα,xα)}\{(U_\alpha, x_\alpha)\} of MM.
  2. The family {Vα}\{V_\alpha\} is locally finite.
  3. αfα(p)=1\sum_\alpha f_\alpha(p) = 1 for all pMp\in M. (This makes sense since for eahc pp, only finitely many fαf_\alpha are non-zero.)

Comments: It is customary to say that the partition of unity {fα}\{f_\alpha\} is subordinate to the covering {Vα}\{V_\alpha\}.

Theorem [Existence of Partition of Unity] A differentiable manifold MM has a differentiable partition of unity if and only if every connected component of MM is Hausdorff and has a countable basis.

Theorem [Whitney Embedding Theorem] Any differentiable manifold of dimension nn can be immersed in R2n\mathbf{R}^{2n} and embedded in R2n+1\mathbf{R}^{2n+1} (can be refined to R2n1,n>1\mathbf{R}^{2n-1}, n>1 and R2n\mathbf{R}^{2n}, respectively).